December 16, 2010

Another Great Awards Banquet

The 2010 Christmas Awards Banquet was held at the Austin Area Garden Center on December 9 with about 55 members and guests attending. We were honored that two of our club’s scholarship recipients attended. Keely Troetschel, a senior at Texas A&M, came with her mother and boyfriend and Lindsey Felps, a sophomore at Texas A&M, attended with her mother. It was a pleasure meeting and talking with them and we appreciate their taking time in their busy schedules to come to Austin.

Keely Troetschel and Lindsey Felps

After a nice, relaxing socializing time and a dinner blessing by President Wilburn Hackebeil, everyone enjoyed a delicious buffet meal. Meat, which was provided by the Club was generously supplemented by vegetables, salads, and desserts provided by individual club members. Wilburn Hackabeil presented numerous awards to deserving members, and Tom Wilten, Second Vice-President of our national organization, from Dallas installed our new officers and directors (see separate articles in this newsletter).

Tom and Kaye Wilten

Special thanks are extended to Laura Joseph and Christie Rodgers for providing the tablecloths. Norman and Barbara Wagner, Johanna Dickhut and Adam Preble, John and Joyce Fox, Joe and Marie Defoe and Wilburn and Annie Hackebeil came early to help with the pre-party preparations. John and Joyce Fox also obtained the poinsettias and John and Alice Merculief made arrangements to obtain the meat. Numerous club members and guests helped provide a very speedy clean up effort. Thanks also to the many members who brought delicious covered dishes.

Finally, thanks to all of you who attended the banquet. We hope you enjoyed the evening of camaraderie with your fellow gardeners, your meal, and your door prize. If so, tell others about it, and plan to attend again in December 2011. (Editor)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We nearly lost Tom Wilton to illness not all that long ago, so it was absolutely GREAT to have him and his lovely wife Kaye join us at the Christmas Awards Banquet!

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