January 14, 2011

President's Message

I hope that each of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and that you were able to celebrate with family and friends. The Holidays are always such a great time to get together and share the spirit of the season, along with all the great family favorites and traditional foods, and just having a little time to share with those who are most important to you.

It is also my hope that we will all continue to have a blessed New Year! We will all pray for a speedier economic recovery, for peace, for good health, and for all in special need of help, and for those who lead our country during these very trying and unsettling times which face our country and all nations and people of the world.

We should all spend as much time as we can with our gardens and plants. It will give you the satisfaction of feeling a part of all that surrounds you, and especially the beauty you have created, and the joy of enjoying the wonderful taste of fruits and vegetables you have grown. These foods are far better for your health than those you buy. They may look great, but don’t have as much flavor and you certainly don’t know what insecticides and pesticides they have had applied to them. Although gardening is hard work, it is very relaxing and a great way to ease yourself down after a stressful day.

We have many gardening events coming up as we get into the New Year. Keep up with what’s going on by checking the “Calendar of Events” in this newsletter.

On January 8, 2011, I will be serving as the “pigeon” show superintendent for the Houston/Brazos Valley Bluebonnet Classic Poultry & Pigeon Show at Texas A & M in College Station, Texas. Last year’s show had entries of about 1,000 and we are hoping for even more this year.

Remember our Board of Director’s meeting on January 24, 2011, and our regular meeting on Thursday, January 27, 2011. I will look forward to seeing each of you at these and whatever other meetings I can arrange to attend.


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