November 18, 2010

Awards Banquet Food Sign-Up

We are in desperate need of more people to bring food for our Awards Banquet on December 9th!!  Please sign up!

What We Will Provide:
We will be providing decorations, plates, cups, flatware, beverages, and meat.
What We Will Need:
We need side dishes, vegetable dishes, appetizers/snacks, and desserts. The listed foods are common, comfort foods, but if there’s a special dish you would like to make and bring, please sign up! We are just trying to avoid multiple people bringing in the same thing.
Warm Food:
Warm food might go cold between when you arrive and when the banquet begins. Because of severe limitations on our ability to keep food warm or reheat food, please cook items in a slow cooker (e.g., Crock Pot), or bring dishes in several layers of bath towels. A slow cooker is probably the most fool-proof because there are available outlets for setting the food on warm, and many dishes can be cooked in a slow cooker even if it’s a bit unconventional.
Serving Dishes and Utensils:
Please bring your dishes in the container they’ll be served, and please remember to bring a serving utensil. If you are bringing a slow cooker and a serving utensil, that is more than fine.
“Other” Food:
Please specify what you will be bringing just in case a few other people decided to also make Aunt Helen’s Famous Rhubarb Crumble. If you want to just help out with some kind of food, go ahead and sign up in “other” too and we can get back to you.

Below is a list of foods to bring.  If the dish has a strike through it, someone has already signed up for it.  To sign up, please leave a comment on this post with the item you would like to bring along with your name.  You are not limited to the dishes/food items listed.  If you would like a reminder phone call, please email me your phone number, name, and food item.  My email address is angryredhead(at)  Please change the (at) to an @ when emailing.

Cheese & Crackers
Queso & Chips
Potato Chips
Cesar Salad
Bean/Vegetable Salad
Fresh Fruit
Bread Rolls & Butter
Cornbread Stuffing
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Scalloped Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole

Pasta Bake
Macaroni & Cheese
Baked Beans
Corn Dish
Broccoli Dish
Squash Dish
Cranberry Sauce

Apple Pie
Pumpkin Pie 1
Pumpkin Pie 2
Pie (specify):
Pie (specify):
Holiday Cookies
Other (specify): Stewed Tomatoes and Okra
Other (specify): Cookies
Other (specify): Vegetable Dish
Other (specify):  Cookies
Other (specify):  Turnip and Mustard Greens
Other (specify):  Potato Dish

To leave a comment:

  1. Fill out the text box with the necessary information.
  2. Select "Anonymous" from the menu next to "Comment as:" if you do not have one of the listed profiles.
  3. Click "Post Comment".
  4. Complete the Word Verification.



Unknown said...

fresh fruit/kelle hursley

Anonymous said...

Sandi Schmidt/apple pie

Anonymous said...

Annie Hackebeil /Fruit Salad
Savanna Feyereisen/Green Bean Casserole

Anonymous said...

Ron & Troy Miller Change from squash dish to corn dish.

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