December 16, 2010

Newsletter Distribution under Review

by Norman Wagner and Sandi Schmidt (editors)

Think about it. Our newsletter costs $40.40 per month for printing and about $48.40 per month for postage. Mailing labels are a minor addition. Together that comes to about $100.00 per month or $1200.00 per year. Then there is the time spent getting the newsletter to the printer, picking it up a few days later, putting on the mailing labels and stamps and then taking them to the post office. Practically all of this expense could be eliminated if each of our members that have an e-mail address would be willing to get their newsletter electronically. Members without a computer could still receive a hard copy by mail, and a few hard copies could be available at the meeting for those that want them, but if everyone that has an e-mail address would be willing to get their newsletter that way we could probably cut our annual expenses down to about $200.00. Some of you have already opted to receive your newsletter via computer. For the rest of you, think about it.

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