December 16, 2010

Club Awards Announced at December Banquet

President Wilburn Hackebeil presented The Garden Club of Austin Bronze Plaque awards at our annual Christmas Banquet on December 9:
The Bronze Plaque in Horticulture is awarded to a member who has shown outstanding abilities in the field of horticulture. This year the award was presented to Joe Colwell. Joe has not only been involved in providing club cultivars for our flower and vegetable shows for the past several years but also has provided many entries of blue ribbon and best of section quality in our flower and vegetable shows.

The Bronze Plaque for Service is awarded to a member for their service to the club and community. For 2010 this award was presented to Annie Hackebeil. Annie has served as treasurer of our club for five years, regularly is involved with tabulation duties for our flower and vegetable shows and has provided many years of loyal and dedicated service over a wide spectrum of volunteer activities.
Certificates of Appreciation were presented as follows:
The New Sprout Award was given to Rainee Freeman, a new member who has hit the ground running. She not only has volunteered to be on the Board of Directors, but has also offered her services to help out with our website.

The Early Bloomer Award was given to Savannah Feyereisen for volunteering to be our show chair for the last two flower and vegetable shows and for providing entertainment at the Awards Banquet last year.

The Dependable Perennial Award was won by Russell Kohlert who has, for many years, provided excellent service to our club ranging from making sure our building is open and everything is in working order, to escorting people to their cars on dark and stormy nights.
Congratulations to you all for your well deserved awards. (Editor)

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