November 5, 2010

Newsletter Available Electronically

The note that I had in last month’s newsletter was apparently a bit premature. The newsletter did not show up on either of our websites as quickly as I thought it might. Until we resolve that problem I can send you a pdf copy of the newsletter via email, usually the same day that the newsletter is taken to the printer. That means you would receive your newsletter about five or six days before the snail mail newsletter would reach you. A hard copy of the newsletter can be picked up later at the monthly meeting if you want one.

Advantages to getting the newsletter electronically include faster delivery, some figures and photographs are in color, you save the club postage charges (over $5.00 a year). These same advantages apply to the national newsletter. If you would like to receive the national newsletter via email or from the national website send an email to Sheryl Bacon. Administrative Assistant for TGOA/MGCA at tgoasecy(at)

Our club is currently working with two websites. If you want to keep track of them go to the oldest site at:

The newer site is:

Norman Wagner, Newsletter Editor

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